Lagoon Complex

Lagoons and reservoir of 'EL PRAO'

This Protected Biotope is located in the center of the Rioja Alavesa, near the walled nucleus of Laguardia, from where it can be seen. It encompasses four small wetlands: three of them, Carralogroño, Carravalseca and Musco are endorheic temporary lagoons, of natural origin and operation, while the fourth, the Prao de la Paul, is a small reservoir created on an old waterlogged area. It has an observatory and a watchtower for bird watching, as well as a trail that allows you to comfortably walk through it.

The Carralogroño and Carravalseca lagoons are the latest examples of a series of wetlands that disappeared as they were dried for cultivation. This would be the case of the Musco lagoon, drained, dried and cultivated until its declaration as Biotope, at which time it was recovered.
